My first experience working in chiropractic began over 30 years ago. Since then I have seen tremendous changes in the business side of the profession -some of them good, many of them bad. I’ve also witnessed many advances in the clinical side of chiropractic both in technology and techniques. Yet working closely with Dr. Richard Barwell these past few years, I believe we are on the verge of the largest transformation in Chiropractic since the days of B. J. Palmer. Ultimately, I believe this change will put chiropractic where it truly belongs amongst the healing arts.

The following article is my version of the thought processes of many of our current clients. I hope that it resonates with you enough that you will take the time to learn more about the future I see for Chiropractic.

I’ve said the words so many times I don’t even think about what I’m saying anymore. Like a robot the words leave my mouth. I’m on autopilot.

“A bone is putting pressure on the nerve…”

The patient standing in front of me is here because they have put their faith in me. They are willing to invest their money and time with me in the hope that I can help them. And I can. Chiropractic works.

“A bone is out of place and it’s cutting off the nerve supply.”

It’s important that new patients are comfortable with the process so I say it with great confidence. Lately, however, the emphasis I add is more for me than for them.

“We take x-rays in order to see any spinal misalignments…”

What I don’t share is that I can find misalignments with my hands; that I rarely take post x-rays; and that there isn’t always a direct correlation between spinal hygiene and patient health. I quickly continue in an effort to drown out the little voice in my head.

“You’ve come to the right place. Trust me.”

Like a mantra, I repeat the words to myself: “Structure governs function. Structure governs function.” It’s my foundation. Or at least it used to be. Even though doubts grow in my head, my faith in chiropractic is unwavering. I know it works. It works every day. It works miracles.

Is it possible to get great results even with a flawed foundation? Over one hundred years as a profession and we have absolutely zero scientific research to prove that misaligned bones cause nerve root pressure that cause a cascading series of maladies. Zero proof.

“You’ve come to the right place. Trust me.”

As I struggle for answers, I fight to suppress the word that is so often tossed about by the skeptics, “Placebo!” But I know that can’t be the case. If the results we achieve were simply the result of the placebo effect, how in the world would children respond so well to chiropractic care? They have no idea what the intended result of an adjustment should be.

And if proper chiropractic care required us to – as D.D. Palmer once put it – rack a bone “back in position”, how in the world do many of the lighter touch techniques get the results that they do?

“Structure governs function. Structure governs function.” Hmmm . . . really???

I feel that there is something missing and it is getting on my last nerve!!!!

But what if it doesn’t? What if structure doesn’t govern function? What would it mean to chiropractic if we have been wrong all these years? What would it mean to the profession if we have had it backwards all of these years? Is it possible that physical, chemical, and emotional stresses actually cause compromised neural integrity, which leads to a cascading series of maladies, among which is muscle imbalance and ultimately misaligned bones? Have we had it backwards all of these years?

I believe we have all been wrong since the beginning.

Well… not all of us: Function governs Structure –

“The majority of Chiropractors work with the concept that THEY are the all-important feature of adjusting subluxations; and it is with this thought they proceed to push vertebrae into the position THEY think they need to be pushed into. ‘Adjusting’ in their minds, means pushing bones into adjusted positions. I never had such a concept! Palpation, x-rays, taut and tender fibers, and contracted muscles only locate misalignments.” 

– BJ Palmer, “The Hour Has Arrived” 

BJ noted that the subluxation was in the impulse not simply a misaligned bone. Where the Chiropractic profession will go remains to be seen. As for me, I’m getting off of my last nerve because now I see what comes first!

Function governs structure –

Chiropractic is a science of functional neurology with a specific philosophy and an applied art of various techniques to access neurological change.

I speak with doctors every day who have a tremendous love of chiropractic, yet find themselves frustrated, burned out, and on the verge of pursuing other careers. I implore you to take a little time and invest in your potential future in chiropractic. Below is a link to a series of videos and websites about Neurologically Based Chiropractic. It’s powerful. And it’s free.

Please feel free to contact me with any question you may have.

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    The Stress Response
    Evaluation & Report

    What “should” happen to your heart rate, your breathing rate and your muscles tension if the fire alarm in your office building went off right now?  Now what “should” happen to your heart rate, your breathing rate, your muscle tension if you were lying down in your bed getting ready to take a nap?

    We all know the answers to these questions. Your patients even know the answers which is whymaking it about the brain is so easy. The reason I say “should” in the earlier questions is because for most of our patients, their brain and nervous system gets stuck in either sympathetic engagement or parasympathetic engagement due to the patterns they have developed over the course of their life in dealing with stress. This is obviously a problem and according to research is the CAUSE of over 90% of all disease today.

    This is why it is so vital to measure the function of the brains of our patients. Not only to determine IF their brain and nervous system is adapting to stress and recovering properly but also to find out where it is stuck leading you to the best care plan possible for each patient based on their brain type.

    The Neuroinfiniti is the ONLY instrument on the market today that does this. The test is called the Stress Response Evaluation or SRE and this is what the report can do for your practice, your patients, and your confidence as a chiropractor.

    Please first note that the report is quite extensive. In fact so much so it is currently used for research purposes. Most chiropractors however will only need bits and pieces of this information.

    The report gives you the objective measurements of 7 different areas of brain and nervous system function both during stress and then also during recovery. These areas include brain wave pattens, an EEG, but also TRUE heart rate variability, heart rate, respiration rate, hand temperature, skin conductance, and sEMG of the trapezius muscles. This is shared in an easy to read chart system that any chiropractor can learn to read in just a matter of a few minutes. In addition a patient portion is available as well. This portion, should you choose to give it to the patient, shares the details of each specific measurement and then also shows them in an easy to read gauge format their Health Resiliency Index (HRI) score for each measurement plus theiroverall score. This allows the patient and the doctor to very easily see where they are as compared to where they should be. This simple gauge format motivates patients to not only accept care to move in the right direction but to continue care once symptoms are gone and to keep a high score once the high score has been reached. It also encourages patients to bring in loved ones to find out their scores.

    To learn more about how this amazing instrument and SRE is helping chiropractors all over the world explode their practices and save more lives schedule a FREE discovery call today so we can design a package to best suit you based on your goals and budget.

    DeDe Van Riper

    Speak directly to discuss our products and services

    Dr. Clint Steele

    Schedule Time With Dr. Clint For Clinical Questions

    What Is The NeuroInfiniti &
    Why Do You Need It?

    Are you tired about patients dropping out of care early? Tired of patients only accepting care based on what their insurance will pay? Tired of simply just seeing neck and low back pain patients when you know chiropractic is about so much more? Are you worried about where and when the next new patient will come from or how long they will stay? If so then let me take a couple of minutes to share with you how we are helping docs all over the world change their practices for the better.

    Introducing the NeuroInfiniti.

    The NeuroInfiniti is an absolute state of the art neurophysiological instrument that measures, at the highest level, the brain and nervous system’s ability to adapt to and recover from stress. The term is called Allostasis and it is ultimately the foundation of health.

    The reason this is important is because more and more research is leading to more and more experts concluding that over 90% of all disease is caused from chronic stress levels effecting the brain’s ability to adapt to and recover from stress. The public is seeing this everywhere they go. And it is going to become more and more prominent.

    With all that going on…wouldn’t it be a no brainer for a practitioner to be able to measure the effects of stress on the brain and nervous system. And wouldn’t it be a no brainer for the public to want to seek help from a practitioner who can not only objectively measure their brain function but then also know how to care for it properly?

    In a 12-minute non-invasive, pain free assessment, the specifically designed software program that comes with the NeuroInfiniti will walk your patient through a brain based assessment that will measure, both during stress and recovery, brain waves patterns at the cortex of the brain, an EEG as well as TRUE Heart Rate Variability, Heart Rate, Respiration Rate, Hand Temperature, Skin Conductance (GSR), and sEMG of the trapezius muscles all during stress and recovery.

    It will then give you a detailed report that you can use to not only build trust and confidence with your patient so they are more likely to accept care BUT also give YOU the confidence and knowledge to know exactly how to develop a specific detailed care plan for your patient ultimately leading to better patient outcomes. These outcomes, along with the added trust and confidence in you as their provider, then also leads to increased retention, increased referrals and increased case averages just to name a few benefits.

    This instrument can then be used to measure progress to keep your patients engaged and active in their care. It can even be involved in some of the care for your patients and add an additional revenue stream by assisting your chiropractic adjustments with amazingly effective biofeedback and neurofeedback sessions as you work towards restoring their brain’s ability to function properly.

    We even have packages that include all the training you will need to change the conversation from pain to brain, conduct a brain-based day 1, a brain-based ROF and brain-based education PLUS we teach you how to create care plans and financial packages that get accepted so patients not only follow through with care but are also willing to pay you, even if that means out of their own pockets. You can even use our patient finance partner with a 100% approval rate of up to $20,000 for care at your office, if your patient would like to use it.

    No more patients dropping out of care early.
    No more patients dropping out of care because their insurance no longer pays.
    No more wishing for more referrals.

    If you are ready to change your practice for the better contact us today to schedule a FREE introductory call to find out how the NeuroInfiniti can help explode your practice and help you save more lives. We will help design a package to best suit your goals and fit your budget.

    DeDe Van Riper

    Speak directly to discuss our products and services

    Dr. Clint Steele

    Schedule Time With Dr. Clint For Clinical Questions