It was a gathering of five people in an office in Pueblo, Colorado that led to a surprisingly new understanding of the relationship between brain function and health. It started with a rather simplistic statement which drew a quiet exchange of eye contacts within the group. There are times in life when the breakthroughs of an abstract concept statement make all involved just stop and question some patterns of our beliefs. This was one of those times.

The simple statement, “I think the Chiropractic adjustment works because it changes brain wave patterns!” stopped all conversations within the group. I was the only chiropractor in the group and have made this statement, I had ventured into the expertise region of two others group members. This may not seem like such an extraordinary statement to make but you have to consider the implications. Two of the group were Psychologists who had spent the last 25 years focused on EEG brain wave research and its application to clinical practice. Chiropractic had not been included in these studies. The open-mindedness of Drs. Byers and Long led to a three-year-long gathering of pre and post Chiropractic adjustment EEG brain wave scans to test the validity of my statement. What we discovered rocked both our worlds.

Our first step was to do a “Null Hypothesis”, which means to prove that the adjustment has no effect on the brain wave patterns. We continued to see massive changes in the EEG post adjustment so that theory was discarded. The next step was to determine if there was any particular pattern that showed change after the adjustment, such as an increase in Alpha brain wave production. What we saw was something altogether different from what we expected. 300 hundred EEG scans later we realized the Chiropractic adjustment had a profound effect on brain function.

The Chiropractic theory has been based on a neurological foundation of vertebral misalignments (called vertebral subluxation) putting pressure on the spinal nerve roots and has reigned since the profession’s beginning in 1895. The profession has spent over 100 years in defense of this theory even though it has never been able to move past the theory level. Today the influence of science on society demands that we have supported proof of a theory for it to hold any credibility. This proof is lacking for the Vertebral Subluxation nerve root pressure concept and because of this, has placed the profession at a crossroads.

There is some confusion that develops at this point. There are factors within the profession that view any shift away from vertebral subluxation (VS) as a direct challenge to the Chiropractic profession itself. The primary defense offered for the VS theory is the years of great results, some of them almost seeming miraculous, yet there is no research that supports exactly how these results are gained (past the spinal adjustment).

Two other issues not addressed in the VS theory are how the vertebral misalignment came into being in the first place and how the various Chiropractic techniques that don’t physically address the vertebral fixation get the same level of patient responses.

These are questions that the profession should have been addressing throughout the years but didn’t. Instead, we have ended up with part of the profession reducing Chiropractic to pain relief, another part to joint mechanics, and the third sticking fast to the unproven vertebral subluxation theory.

What this new knowledge does for the profession

That one moment in the office in Colorado provided a great opportunity for the Chiropractic profession. It gives us a new way to look at the power of the adjustment and can act as a unifying force across the profession. No matter where you currently stand in the three divisions of the profession, I ask you to just stop and consider the value of this new insight to you in practice and the support of Chiropractic. Here are 10 critical points for your consideration.

Point 1. There are now 5 research papers that support the effect of chiropractic adjustment on brain function. I continue to check for new research and what is most interesting is that other health professions are doing some of the chiropractic supportive research.

Point 2. This brings us back to the concept that Chiropractic is not based on the premise of the treatment of disease but rather on improved neurological function.

Point 3. As the practice of medicine, which is based on the treatment of disease (so named by the classification of signs and symptoms) and therefore requires billing codes for these diseases or illnesses is in a different classification from the field of Chiropractic.

Point 4. Stressors, including mental, physical, electromagnetic, and chemical create overloads to the processing resources of the CNS, resulting in the establishment of inappropriate cortical patterns and limbic system responses.

Point 5. The role of stress and its relationship to CNS function as the cause (including trauma) of vertebral subluxations is established.

Point 6. The adjustment (including all technique approaches) acts as a sensory neurological pattern interrupt which in turn allows the CNS to reset to a more appropriate pattern. All technique approaches used in Chiropractic get results. The more specific the technique application is directed to the neurological needs of the patient, the better will be the results

Point 7. The influence of chiropractic adjustments based on sensory stimulation makes sense to the other health fields.

Point 8. There is no need to change your technique if you are getting the results that satisfy you. The majority of chiropractors use a combination of different techniques in their practice. The reason to apply a different technique can be clarified by the patient’s neurological response.

Point 9. The NeuroInfiniti instrument was specifically designed to provide objective central nervous system function and responses for Chiropractic practices.

Point 10. This subtle shift in the intent of Chiropractic care brings us full circle to the fact that the care we offer has a much broader scope of practice than simply pain reduction or improved joint mechanics. This aligns with the original intent of the profession and will open the value of your service to your community.

Today there are Chiropractic offices around the world that have made the shift from the spinal model and an outdated theory to Brain-Based Chiropractic. The results in these offices are staggering. Letting go is not easy, but I can tell you that if you grasp the power and the potential of the information in this short article, you will join those in that group of 5 and that moment of quiet realization that something grand just happened.

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    The Stress Response
    Evaluation & Report

    What “should” happen to your heart rate, your breathing rate and your muscles tension if the fire alarm in your office building went off right now?  Now what “should” happen to your heart rate, your breathing rate, your muscle tension if you were lying down in your bed getting ready to take a nap?

    We all know the answers to these questions. Your patients even know the answers which is whymaking it about the brain is so easy. The reason I say “should” in the earlier questions is because for most of our patients, their brain and nervous system gets stuck in either sympathetic engagement or parasympathetic engagement due to the patterns they have developed over the course of their life in dealing with stress. This is obviously a problem and according to research is the CAUSE of over 90% of all disease today.

    This is why it is so vital to measure the function of the brains of our patients. Not only to determine IF their brain and nervous system is adapting to stress and recovering properly but also to find out where it is stuck leading you to the best care plan possible for each patient based on their brain type.

    The Neuroinfiniti is the ONLY instrument on the market today that does this. The test is called the Stress Response Evaluation or SRE and this is what the report can do for your practice, your patients, and your confidence as a chiropractor.

    Please first note that the report is quite extensive. In fact so much so it is currently used for research purposes. Most chiropractors however will only need bits and pieces of this information.

    The report gives you the objective measurements of 7 different areas of brain and nervous system function both during stress and then also during recovery. These areas include brain wave pattens, an EEG, but also TRUE heart rate variability, heart rate, respiration rate, hand temperature, skin conductance, and sEMG of the trapezius muscles. This is shared in an easy to read chart system that any chiropractor can learn to read in just a matter of a few minutes. In addition a patient portion is available as well. This portion, should you choose to give it to the patient, shares the details of each specific measurement and then also shows them in an easy to read gauge format their Health Resiliency Index (HRI) score for each measurement plus theiroverall score. This allows the patient and the doctor to very easily see where they are as compared to where they should be. This simple gauge format motivates patients to not only accept care to move in the right direction but to continue care once symptoms are gone and to keep a high score once the high score has been reached. It also encourages patients to bring in loved ones to find out their scores.

    To learn more about how this amazing instrument and SRE is helping chiropractors all over the world explode their practices and save more lives schedule a FREE discovery call today so we can design a package to best suit you based on your goals and budget.

    DeDe Van Riper

    Speak directly to discuss our products and services

    Dr. Clint Steele

    Schedule Time With Dr. Clint For Clinical Questions

    What Is The NeuroInfiniti &
    Why Do You Need It?

    Are you tired about patients dropping out of care early? Tired of patients only accepting care based on what their insurance will pay? Tired of simply just seeing neck and low back pain patients when you know chiropractic is about so much more? Are you worried about where and when the next new patient will come from or how long they will stay? If so then let me take a couple of minutes to share with you how we are helping docs all over the world change their practices for the better.

    Introducing the NeuroInfiniti.

    The NeuroInfiniti is an absolute state of the art neurophysiological instrument that measures, at the highest level, the brain and nervous system’s ability to adapt to and recover from stress. The term is called Allostasis and it is ultimately the foundation of health.

    The reason this is important is because more and more research is leading to more and more experts concluding that over 90% of all disease is caused from chronic stress levels effecting the brain’s ability to adapt to and recover from stress. The public is seeing this everywhere they go. And it is going to become more and more prominent.

    With all that going on…wouldn’t it be a no brainer for a practitioner to be able to measure the effects of stress on the brain and nervous system. And wouldn’t it be a no brainer for the public to want to seek help from a practitioner who can not only objectively measure their brain function but then also know how to care for it properly?

    In a 12-minute non-invasive, pain free assessment, the specifically designed software program that comes with the NeuroInfiniti will walk your patient through a brain based assessment that will measure, both during stress and recovery, brain waves patterns at the cortex of the brain, an EEG as well as TRUE Heart Rate Variability, Heart Rate, Respiration Rate, Hand Temperature, Skin Conductance (GSR), and sEMG of the trapezius muscles all during stress and recovery.

    It will then give you a detailed report that you can use to not only build trust and confidence with your patient so they are more likely to accept care BUT also give YOU the confidence and knowledge to know exactly how to develop a specific detailed care plan for your patient ultimately leading to better patient outcomes. These outcomes, along with the added trust and confidence in you as their provider, then also leads to increased retention, increased referrals and increased case averages just to name a few benefits.

    This instrument can then be used to measure progress to keep your patients engaged and active in their care. It can even be involved in some of the care for your patients and add an additional revenue stream by assisting your chiropractic adjustments with amazingly effective biofeedback and neurofeedback sessions as you work towards restoring their brain’s ability to function properly.

    We even have packages that include all the training you will need to change the conversation from pain to brain, conduct a brain-based day 1, a brain-based ROF and brain-based education PLUS we teach you how to create care plans and financial packages that get accepted so patients not only follow through with care but are also willing to pay you, even if that means out of their own pockets. You can even use our patient finance partner with a 100% approval rate of up to $20,000 for care at your office, if your patient would like to use it.

    No more patients dropping out of care early.
    No more patients dropping out of care because their insurance no longer pays.
    No more wishing for more referrals.

    If you are ready to change your practice for the better contact us today to schedule a FREE introductory call to find out how the NeuroInfiniti can help explode your practice and help you save more lives. We will help design a package to best suit your goals and fit your budget.

    DeDe Van Riper

    Speak directly to discuss our products and services

    Dr. Clint Steele

    Schedule Time With Dr. Clint For Clinical Questions